It is the key active component in practically all modern electronics. The transistor is considered by many to be one of the greatest inventions in modern history, ranking in importance with the printing press, automobile and telephone. Digital circuits include logic gates, random access memory (RAM), microprocessors, and digital signal processors (DSPs). Transistors are also used in digital circuits where they function as electronic switches. In analog circuits, transistors are used in amplifiers, (direct current amplifiers, audio amplifiers, radio frequency amplifiers), and linear regulated power supplies. Application of current in BJTs and voltage in FETs between the input and common terminals increases the conductivity between the common and output terminals, thereby controlling current flow between them.įor more details on the operation of these two types of transistors, see field effect transistor and bipolar junction transistor. Transistors are divided into two main categories: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs). The word transistor, coined by John Robinson Pierce in 1949, is a foreshortening of trans-resistance or transfer varistor (see the history section below).